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2021 - Unforgettable

Merry Xmas and thank you for your support this year

To say that 2021 will be an unforgettable year is probably understating things, a lot

We wish you all a very Merry Christmas

And we look forward to what challenges 2022 has to offer

Special thanks goes to my amazing Wife Kirsten

only you can know how much you mean to me

Thanks to the team at MultiSure Insurance Brokers

For their extra help and support this year

We'd also like to thank each and every person

That has found our easytrucks services helpful, or useful

We really do appreciate your business

And look forward to catching up again soon

Here is a brief look at what 2021 has looked like from my perspective

Craig Silby - easytrucks

January 8th 2021

Our son Luke and I taking a break at the stunning Bike Glendhu mountain biking park,

Wanaka, Southern Lakes, New Zealand

It was going to be the last thing I remember doing, prior to a serious crash,

and the beginning of a very long and ongoing journey towards recovery

We had rented a couple of electric mountain bikes

And were having a great time doing the downhill jump trails, until...

I ran out of talent and crashed after badly landing a jump

Smashing myself into the ground very hard. Head first

The helmet was seriously damaged, but luckily stayed intact well enough to save my life

If I was not wearing the helmet I would not have survived the crash

But, other injury complications continue to this day

Something had punctured through my face,

and rammed a couple of teeth up into my upper jaw

I had multiple cuts and bruises, plus suspected cracked and severely bruised ribs

Also, we didn't find out until a couple of weeks afterwards,

once we were back in Auckland, that I also had a severe concussion,

ongoing shoulder pain, fractured fingers, and a fractured vertebrae in my spine

Also, little did we know at the time, but several injuries would still be an issue today

Almost a full year on from the crash

Some will be reminding me of that day at the beginning of 2021, for the rest of my life

One of the worst things,

Is that we did not know until several weeks afterwards that I had a serious concussion

Since the crash I've had ongoing fatigue issues. It's much like with infants or toddlers,

where they need to go to bed several times each day

I get to about 9:30 am each day and then totally run out of go

So, I have to go back to bed and recharge for around half an hour or so

Then an hour or two later, I have to go back to bed again to recharge

Since the crash this happens several times a day, each and every day

Frustrating to say the least

However, all is not lost

There have definitely been some positives and good things happen this year

The day after the crash back in January

The Doctor in Wanaka advised us to continue with our holiday. Yay!

Which in hindsight I'm very grateful for

Although, I'm not really sure how I managed to function during the trip

We got to visit some spectacular parts of our beautiful country

That cannot be done justice with photos, the scale and beauty is something to behold

After being back home in Auckland for a few months

And just as we started getting on top of some of the injuries,

We all got locked down ...again

Here in Auckland we've been in some form of lock down or sanctions,

for well over 100 days now, with no end in sight

So much for the short-sharp lock down that we were all told it will be, back in August

It's now late December 2021 and we're still under some level of sanction

And now the world has Omicron!

The heartache, disruption, and division that this virus has produced,

Not just locally but around the world,

Is most likely something that none of us living today will ever forget

But, there are always positives to be had and,

I for one will continue to keep trying to find them :)

To try and help keep me sane during the long recovery, and during lock down,

I got in to online sim-racing, using the iRacing simulated racing platform

As it turns out, it has also helped with retraining my brain after the concussion

The sim-rig provides an amazing level of immersion,

Live online sim-racing can feel very real indeed

I've been focusing on the official iRacing virtual Dirt Midget speedway racing series

This provides an International online racing points series, over 12 week seasons

Each week is at a different virtual version of a real life speedway track,

and you accumulate points across the series

There are also multiple leagues and hosted events that you can join or participate in

There are hundreds of drivers from around the world that enter the official iRacing series

The races are put up every 2 hours, to cater for all the different time zones

Drivers are ranked into divisions. I've proven good enough to be ranked in the top level,

Dirt Oval Division 1

Up against multi-car teams and setup shops that make a living from selling car setups,

I achieved two Midget car World Records in Season 3, and

I placed 4th overall in the points for iRacing Dirt Midget Cup Season 4, 2021

These are fantastic results considering I build and tune my own car setups

And, at the time I was not part of a team of elite drivers that train together,

which can accelerate your development and skills

I also taught myself to do my own car paints and graphics,

which many drivers and teams purchase from expert designers

2021 Season 3 iRacing Dirt Midget World Qualifying Record

at the virtual Knoxville Speedway

2021 Season 3 iRacing Dirt Midget World Race Record

at the virtual Cedar Lake Speedway

4th place overall, 2021 Season 4 official iRacing Dirt Midget Cup

Wheel stands can be fun but they're not the fastest way around the track ;) lol

I also gave V8 Non-Wing Sprintcars a go, which have far more power than the Midgets

I did really well, placing 1st overall in the Season 4 points series

1st place overall, 2021 official iRacing Season 4, USAC Non-Wing 360 Sprintcar series

Almost a year after the bike crash, we're still working on patching me up

In late December 2021, my right clavicle had the end cut off, to relieve some pain, and

to help me recover some strength and maneuverability in that shoulder

No more iRacing for awhile I guess, whilst the shoulder heals :(

Yay! I'm about to turn 50


Boxing Day 2021 marks the completion of my 50th lap around the Sun

Lucky me ;) not everybody gets to make it to 50 years of age

I'm very proud of this, particularly considering

the crazy things I've done and gotten away with over the past 49 years

And how this year got started for me, with the bike crash nearly finishing me off early


2021 started with a life changing event for myself and my family

And, thanks to the pandemic,

2021 has also become an unforgettable year for everyone else in the World

Merry Christmas

to you and your family

Thanks so much

for your support and your business

We look forward to seeing what 2022 will bring


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