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easytrucks celebrates 10 years

Congratulations easytrucks for 10 years of service

to the New Zealand road transport industry

To follow is a self-indulgent review of the ongoing development of easytrucks

Enjoy :)

Craig Silby is passionate about helping people get the best bang for their buck from their trucks and trailers. So back in late 2009, from the depths of a global financial crisis, Craig Silby created easytrucks.

After driving a variety of trucks for others and then several years of operating his own trucks, around 2004 Craig Silby found his way into selling new and used trucks and trailers.

Having had new trucks designed and built for himself Craig quickly learned that selling trucks was all about getting to know the buyer and what they needed from their vehicles.

From there Craig would put together options for a complete turn-key ready-to-work vehicle, which often proved to be far more productive and/or efficient than the client expected.

Craig has represented new truck sales for Japanese, European and American truck dealerships in NZ. Also new and used truck bodies and trailers from New Zealand, Australia, and European manufacturers. Craig has also successfully managed the marketing and sale of a variety of used trucks and trailers across New Zealand.

Craig quickly became very good at commercial vehicle sales and developed a wide range of strong industry relationships, many of which remain today.

Craig designed the easytrucks logos himself, which have steadily evolved over time…

easytrucks logo circa 2012
easytrucks logo circa 2014
easytrucks logo circa 2015

Truck valuations was something that Craig found interesting when selling trucks. It seemed that anyone could put whatever number they chose on paper, so long as it was on a truck dealership letterhead. Finance companies seemed to take them as gospel, unchallenged.

This was open to abuse and Craig saw several instances of that going horribly wrong.

Situations such as a marital dispute that required one party to buy the other out. The guy would get his truck or trailer sales mates to low-ball their valuations to swindle the ex wife.

Or, where a sale had been agreed upon but the seller wanted the truck valuation inflated to include goodwill or a contract fee. Goodwill normally can't be financed.

Sometimes it looked to be straight up fraud. Craig wanted to do something to help bring some credibility to the service, so easytrucks started TruckValue.

TruckValue was and possibly still is one of the only truly independent specialist commercial vehicle valuation services in the NZ market.

Craig Silby prides himself in keeping fully up to speed with the ever-changing and dynamic world of the commercial vehicle market. Craig works hard on ensuring the reports provided by TruckValue are as accurate as possible given current market conditions and information gathered and/or received.

In 2012 easytrucks got a flash new website. The website was designed to highlight the range of services now offered by easytrucks.

Below are a few banners from the 2012 version of the easytrucks website...

Later in 2012, NZ Government agency Energy Efficiency & Conservation Authority (EECA) asked Craig Silby to join their EECA Business division on a project to help reduce energy (fuel) consumption in the New Zealand transport sector.

EECA Business provided training and resources for a select few Heavy Vehicle Performance Advisors (HVPA's) which included Craig Silby.

To help facilitate the EECA Business HVPA program easytrucks created some new services

FuelChamp helps find ways to reduce fuel consumption
TruckData simplifies data to help reduce costs

FuelChamp was created to provide a consulting service aimed at helping transport operators identify cost reduction opportunities and implement strategies to make the savings real.

TruckData was created to help transport operators simply measure and understand where costs could be reduced and encourage drivers to improve their driving skills and behaviour.

Unfortunately, there was little appetite from the NZ transport industry for outside help or consultation. Even when shown clear and easy to achieve operating cost savings many operators claimed that they were too busy or not interested.

EECA Business wound the program down after a couple of years due to a lack of interest.

Easytrucks also stopped offering FuelChamp and TruckData services.

2015 was a fresh new start for easytrucks

2015 saw a full revamp of easytrucks services with a fresh new focus.

First up, Craig Silby designed and built himself, a completely new website from scratch

A fresh new focus on complimentary ways of helping transport operators in NZ.

TruckValue commercial vehicle market valuations

MultiSure – TruckSure Insurance Brokers

New Zealand Transport Consulting - Truck Sales and Advice

Craig Silby is an expert in the NZ transport industry, particularly keeping up to date with the latest NZTA rules and regulations, RUC Road User Charges, VDAM Vehicle Dimensions and Mass, 50MAX and HPMV High Productivity Motor Vehicles.

If you're looking for the right truck or trailer for the task, or you're after advice on how to get the best bang for your buck contact Craig at easytrucks, 021 740 565.

Easytrucks services now seamlessly merge into a one-stop-shop for people that use commercial vehicles in New Zealand. We try to make your life easy.

Several easytrucks clients are now taking full advantage of having one person to contact for help with managing and getting the best from their trucks and trailers.

Craig Silby at easytrucks - phone 021 740 565

Thanks once again for all your support, here's to the next 10 years and beyond...


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